Top #10 ways responsive web design benefits for Search Engine Optimization

The digital world is evolving daily with spectacular developments helping people to sell their products easily and increase their profit. Your website is your interface to the world, which helps you elaborate your services to the potential customers across the world. A good website expands your base worldwide so you must be very careful and observe all the intricacies of designing and maintaining it. Responsive Web Design is one of the techniques which play a key role in increasing the traffic of your web. Read the article to know how.
How does responsive web design aid SEO?
Here is how a responsive web design helps in SEO-
1-    Makes web friendly for multiple devices- It is not necessary that the user uses a particular device for accessing your website. An adaptable website is considered the best which can adjust according to the screen size. This helps search engines to crawl and index your web in a few seconds. If that’s not so, the engine will have to do separate indexing and crawling for your web which is obviously hectic for the server.
2-    Helps you get boosts from Google- More than 60% of people use mobiles for internet access which implies that a huge portion of search engines are mobiles. Since this number is increasing, Google boosts the ranking of those websites who are mobile friendly. This can be achieved effortlessly with a responsive website design which makes your website mobile friendly.
3-    Increases speed- Users want instant results and if your web fails to deliver that, they will switch to other options. Yes, no one wants to wait while a website is loading rather people want pages to load in the blink of an eye. You can ensure this with responsive web design and make your visitors fall in love with your web.
4-    Reduces bounce rates- Not only increasing the traffic but making users stick around your web is your goal. The number of pages users go to before leaving your web is bounce rate. Google crawls through the webs and ranks them based on their bounce rates. Un-responsive web design may lead to an increase in bounce rates and the result will be a slip in your rank.
5-    Ensures the best experience for the visitors- This is the most important factor which determines your SEO ranking. Make the website smooth and easy to navigate through, by responsive web design so that users enjoy it.
6-    Fits in your pocket- A responsive web design is way cheaper and effective than other advertising techniques. While thinking about Search Engine Optimization, remember it’s the user which has the power to elevate your web or let it lie in the dark shelves of the digital world.
7-    Upgrades backlinks- This is the boon of the responsive web design that it provides the best environment to the user by attaching content-full backlinks. Link building is the backbone of SEO which can be optimized with a responsive web design.
8-    Increases social media shares- 80% of users access social media by mobile. How will they share your content if your web is not mobile friendly? Make it possible for them with a responsive web.
9-    Makes web suitable for Google Algorithm- Google is the boss of search engines. Whatever it says goes! To ensure good SEO rankings follow the basic requirements like responsive web design.
10- No duplicate content- Lastly, if you have multiple webs avoid duplicate content as it harms your SEO. Keep it fresh and pure and witness increased traffic.
Best responsive web design service

Now since you know the importance of responsive web design, hiring the best company for the purpose is your first responsibility. Close your eyes and place the job in the hands of ezeelive technologies which is trusted and credited for its best service in responsive website creation. If you really want to expand your `business, ezeelive is your final destination. What are you waiting for? Contact them today and take the first step towards success with ezeelive. Have a happy experience!


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